
2025 :  MyLock Innovative motorized lock solution with automatic closing (IOT, C++, Arduino, ESP32,Freecad)
2025 :  MyVolumeJC Discover an Arduino project for intelligent volume control using ESP32, WebSockets and 3D printing. A perfect example of IoT DIY with Arduino. (IOT, C++, Arduino, ESP32,Freecad)
2025 : EasyForYou New PEPPOL module for exporting electronic invoices in XML UBL format (Universal Business Language)
2024: MySonardJC Library C++ for using multiple ultrasonic sensors simultaneously without slowing down the ESP32 processor (IoT, C++, Arduino, ESP32, robotics, Github)
2024 :  MyTele Support TV Motorisé avec Double Vérin (IOT, C++, Arduino, ESP32,Freecad)
2024 :  3D Printing Custom 3D design and printing (Freecad)
2023 : EasyForYou Programming Stock management – Invoicing (VB, SQL),
2023: MyChickenDoor : IoT Home Automation Module and C++ Application for ESP32 Chicken Coop Management with our Software – Robotics (IoT, Arduino, C++)
2023: MyGate : IoT home automation module and C++ application for ESP32 that allows the opening of an existing gate from a mobile phone. Additionally, when someone rings the gate, the system sends an instant notification to the mobile phone – Robotics (IoT, Arduino, C++, Blynk)
2022: Home automation module and application for the management of the energy consumption of showers for co-tenants or students who live in a kot – robotic (IoT, Arduino, C++, B4a)
2021: Android sequencer application to operate robitized Tibetan bowls via bluetooth BOWL, BELLS AND GONG SEQUENCER – robotic (Arduino, C++, B4a)
2021: The module is a prototype Midi interface made to measure and intended to sound a programmable chime for Tibetan bowls, gongs and bells. BOWL, BELLS AND GONG SEQUENCER – robotic (Arduino, C++, B4a)
2020: Online voting software  Live display of questions and voting results  – Online Voting system (HTML, CSS, ASP, AJAX)
2019: Inventory Management and Inventory with Barcode Scanner on Smart Phone  TRY FREE BETA-TEST MOBILE VERSION FOR ANDROID  – Application Apk (Google Play Store and Android Market) – EasyForYou Mobile (
2018: Cook your soft-boiled egg easily on your mobile phone DOWNLOAD THE ANDROID VERSION  – Application Apk (Google Play Store and Android Market) – soft-boiled egg (
2018: Golf  Live ranking of your golf tournaments  – Web-Site (App Store and Android Market) – Golf Competitions (B4x. com, java, HTML, CSS, ASP)
2017:  Startingblock  – Start list generator for golf competitions
2017: Golf  Six Points Game  – Web-Site – Golf competition and tournaments online scoreboards (HTML, CSS, ASP)
2016: Relook from the  EasyForYou website  to a responsive version (adaptive design)
2007:  Dittis bv/srl  Analysis, Programming (VB6, ASP)
2006:  Belgian Senate  Stock control – inventory and e-commerce economist (VB6, Access, ASP, Javascript)
2005:  GROEP WINTERTHUR KA  – Stock-Control commissary (VB6, Access)
2005:  AV Services  Web-Site – Photographer (HTML, CSS, PHP)
2005:  Rubinstein SA  Web-Site – Wholesaler leather working (HTML, CSS, PHP, FLASH)
2004:  The Brussels Institute for Management of the Environment  Analysis, Programming (VB6, Access)
2004 : A.B.S.A. Web-Site – Syndic of joint ownerships (HTML, CSS, PHP)
2004 : Easy For You Relook Web-Site – Stock Control and Invoicing (HTML, CSS, PHP, ASP)
2003 : Fandec Analyse, Programmation (VB6, ASP)
2003 : Ferrari Analyse, Programmation (VB6, FIX32)
2003 : Pennel Industries Analyse, Programmation (VB6, RSLinx)
2003 : Febic Analyse, Programmation (VB6, Access)
2002 : Atofina Programmation (ASP, Javascript, HTML, CSS, VB6)
2002 : Cogebra Web-Site – Syndic of joint ownerships (HTML, CSS)
2002 : MaviJeans Web-Site – Jeans sales (HTML, PHP, CSS)
2002 : Hensferstaux Web-Site – Steel service center (HTML, CSS)
2002 : Cercle de Lorraine Programmation VBA – Access 2000 (HTML, CSS)
2002 : Logo Factory Web-Site – On-Line logo Sales (HTML)
2002 : EasyForYou Programmation Stock management – Invoicing (VB, SQL)
2002 : EasyForYou Help-Online Web-Site – Help (HTML, ASP)
2002 : JsServices Web-Site – Acounting (HTML)
2002 : La Boîte à images Web-Site – Photografer (HTML)
2002 : ACI ASP Programming
2002 : GT-Express Transport management
2001 : IWNS Static site (HTML, CSS)
2001 : Smulders Static site (HTML, CSS)
2001 : 123beweb Programmation E-Domain (ASP, Javascript, Access)
2001 : ACI Programmation E-Shop (ASP, Javascript, Access & Clipper)
2001 : AstraZeneca JavaScript programmation
2000 : ACI ASP Programming
2000 : International Post Corporation
2000 : Alumatic S.A. Commercial site
2000 : Granit kk Music site
1999 : Imm’Holidays Hirings of vacancy
1999 : ALFAC s.a. DECAdry Wizard for MS Word
1999 : Infomart E-Shop
1999 : RAGCA Royal Amicale Golf Club Anderlecht
1999 : Wolters Kluwer Document
1999 : EVCO Belgium s.a Tarif customers “One-Line”
1998 : Wolters Kluwer SocVer Planning for the production of ballot papers
1998 : HTML Checker Checking of the tags and the syntax of files HTML
1997:  Wolters Kluwer  Neoprins  Planning for the production in a Company of publishing (ceded samsom)
1996:  Le Méridien  Accounts Department
1996:  RMAsystem  Management of repairs
1995:  SECUREX  Accounts Department
1995:  The Clypot  Stock control
1994:  SESAM  Cash register
1993:  EASY inventory  Stock management & invoicing
1992:  EASY  Stock control and invoicing software
1991:  Jean-Claude Ponslet  – My first web site